The Nehemiah Foundation

The Case for Community

The Nehemiah Board would like to thank you for taking the time to read The Case for Community and to think about the issues facing our city and county. It is no surprise that the common concerns in our community are a reflection of what we have seen play out on a large stage in our country over recent months.

As the Old Testament prophet, Nehemiah, found the walls of his city broken and in need of rebuilding centuries ago, we too look out into a community and a world that is ravaged with the effects of a fallen world— broken systems, broken families, broken souls.

Our purpose for this report is two-fold:

  1. to identify some of the common concerns that are seen in our community, concerns such as poverty, trauma, broken relationships, vulnerable kids, and racial, social and economic disparities.

  1. to unite and mobilize the Christian community to come together to address these areas of need.

As The Case for Community report brings to light, the needs are great in Springfield and Clark County. Yet, we have great confidence that in the midst of this brokenness, there is also hope — a hope that is founded in the person of Jesus who came into our brokenness to save us and set us free.

The Nehemiah Foundation exists to bring followers of Jesus together as agents of change to bring hope to the brokenness in our community. We want to help God’s people to tear down walls of racial and economic disparity and build a moral and spiritual foundation that will strengthen families and mend broken lives.

We invite you to join us.