The Nehemiah Foundation


A single mom walks into the doors of the church with a mix of uncertainty and hope. She has just moved to Springfield, Ohio with two young kids. But, without family or friends, she is searching for a support network to help meet the needs of her young family. Though she has a decent job and good home, her first check is not enough to cover her moving expenses and basic needs. She needs recommendations for local food pantries to get them on their feet. Plus, winter is moving in and her two kids are without coats and winter shoes. She is also searching for a reliable after-school program to help her daughter reach her second-grade reading level and her son to learn his ABCs. With nowhere else to go, she is hoping for compassion from the church in her neighborhood.

This story is very similar to what our local churches are experiencing every day. Community members are desperately trying to survive and provide for their families. With so many needs, our local churches and ministries are becoming increasingly overwhelmed, their volunteers and resources exhausted.

But, what if…

But, what if there was a central location for churches and ministries to communicate community needs and recruit volunteers? What if a church could ask the entire community for winter clothes for the single mom and her kids? What if a ministry could ask every church congregation for volunteers for their afterschool program? What if a family could step out in faith to meet the needs of another family in crisis? What if each of these specific needs could be met by eight different families from across the city within an hour of the request? Soon, this will all be possible.
The Nehemiah Foundation is excited to announce that in 2020 we will launch an online platform that will facilitate and enhance connections between the ministries, churches, volunteers, and needs in our community. The platform will serve as a communication hub and mobilization tool to meet the most pressing needs of our city. It is our prayer, as an organization and as community members, that this platform will unite our efforts for Springfield.

At The Nehemiah Foundation, we have renewed our commitment to strengthen ministries and churches through a comprehensive Christian vision and network. It is our desire to have every church, ministry, organization, family, and individual working together to build God’s Kingdom in Greater Springfield. In addition to providing the online platform, 2020 will bring the following initiatives:

  • Regional Pastor Networks: Opportunities for our faith leaders to build relationships, trust, and partnerships within our community.
  • State of the City Report: Identifying key areas of need in the Springfield community based on extensive research and data to enable churches to focus their efforts and increase their impact.
  • A citywide conference: Time set aside to address the key initiatives listed in the State of the City Report, featuring experts, sharing best practices and digging deeper into addressing the needs.
  • Ministry and Church partnerships: Intentional time set aside to support our ministries and churches through prayer networks, relationships, support, encouragement, shared resources, and more.

With YOUR financial partnership and faithful prayers, we believe these life-changing ventures are very doable for 2020. Your sacrificial giving will enable our community to more effectively meet the needs of Springfield while sharing the love of God. Please consider how God might be asking you to respond to His calling in our community today.

Now is the time to A.C.T.! 

Advocate — Share the mission of The Nehemiah Foundation with others. Challenge your circle of family and friends to become a partner in our work. Keep us in your prayers. 
Contribute — Make a sacrificial year-end gift or consider making a monthly or annual commitment to our mission.
Thank — Give to The Nehemiah Foundation in honor of your family, community or church. 
Please use the link below to partner financially with The Nehemiah Foundation and become a part of meeting the needs of our churches, ministries, and families in Springfield and Clark County. Thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support!

Casey Cockerham
Executive Director
P.S. – Your monthly support of The Nehemiah Foundation provides the connecting tissue, the ligaments and joints, of our Christian community. Your partnership allows the Body of Christ to get on the same page, work cooperatively, and make a bigger impact for the glory of God. You are integral to what God is doing in Springfield and Clark County! Partner with us today!