Thank You!

Apr 27, 2021 | Uncategorized

Dear Nehemiah Friends and Family:

What a graceful and generous God we call our Father and our friend!

We are thanking God today for all of the ways that He constantly provides shelter and sustaining power during the most difficult times, and we are thanking him for all of the ways is pouring out joy and encouragement as we navigate into new seasons.

You are such a big part of that joy and encouragement, and we are so grateful for your willingness to partner with us this year! If you attended our Spring Reception – Grace in the Greenhouse: Thriving Under Harsh Conditions – we are thrilled that you could join us! What a glorious outpouring of connection and encouragement for our Nehemiah Ministry Partners, and for Fred Stegner of the Springfield Soup Kitchen (we announced Fred as our 2021 recipient of the Sara T. Landess Community Spirit Award!). The UNIFY Worship Collective blessed us with such uplifting music, and we are eager to see how that collective of musicians continues to develop under the leadership of Nehemiah board member, Aaron Clark. We truly experienced so much goodness at the Spring Reception, and we were so blessed by the wonderful demonstration of unity and prayer swirling around the room (and garden!) at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church that day. Thank you.

This week, we are also reflecting on the outpouring of generosity from our sponsors and guests – together, you raised approximately $17,500 of our $25,000 goal! We are still receiving donations toward that Ministry Partner Grant Fund for the rest of this month, and still hope to get a brilliant donation for the Ervin Gruia Westcott House and Garden original painting (you can continue to bid on the painting – it will be on display at Co-Hatch for the rest of this month!).

Moving into May, June, July, and August, we have so many ways – old and new! – for you to get engaged as a mobilized part of Clark County’s Christian Community.

Our upcoming EQUIP workshops are going to be stellar – with vital topics on financial stewardship and racial reconciliation.

When Springfield Sings is back this year – so save the date for July 18th at Veteran’s Park!
We would love to have your creativity and input as we continue The Streamline Initiative – our conversation about blessing kids by mobilizing the Body of Christ to engage in church-school partnerships for even more impact.

We continue to solidify the Faith-Community Crisis Response Team to address emergencies such as the serious spike in homelessness and food insecurity in our county.

Our beloved community event – the Nehemiah Golf Classic – on August 9 will include a separate but simultaneous event, a 90-minute “Tee-up For Teens” component. This “Tee-up for Teens” event will provide a wonderful opportunity to bring mentors and teens to the driving range and putting green that day for conversation, connection, and lunch!

These are just a few highlights of what is to come this Spring! I would love to have coffee and chat with you about specific ways that you can get even more deeply engaged in the city transformation work that God has called us to. Please reach out to me if you’d like to have that conversation!

With glistening hope,