Springfield Soup Kitchen is located at 830 West Main St. Springfield, Ohio.
*Please leave your donations in the plastic bin by the door
Donations List
The following items should have tops that are easily opened without a can opener.
- Individual canned meat (i.e., tuna, Vienna sausages, etc.)
- Individual canned fruit
- Individual canned pork and beans
- Snack-size crackers (i.e., peanut butter, cheese, etc.)
- Snack-size applesauce
- Snack-size nuts or trail mix
- Granola bars
- Small jar or individual snack-size peanut butter
- Juice boxes or other individual cans of juice
We also need empty shoe boxes or other small boxes that can be closed.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Dennis at 937-206-3364