Ministry Partner Prayer Requests June 2021

Jun 4, 2021 | Pray, Uncategorized

  • From Nikki Steffanow – FYI: Please pray for 4 new staff members (2 new in-school facilitators, 1 Mentoring Coordinator, 1 social media/communications assistant). Please pray for favor with grant funding agencies. Please pray for Nikki, that she would be able to balance her time – she wants to spend more time with champions for the ministry, cultivating meaningful relationships with the people who have a passion for the work of FYI. And finally, please pray for volunteers for the FYI Parenting Network.
  • From Angela Boblitt – Choosing Hope Adoptions: Join us as we PRAISE God for a strong and meaningful connection between Choosing Hope and the Springfield Regional Medical Center. Please continue to pray that the Lord will continue to highlight Choosing Hope Adoptions to those women who need to know about the adoption process.
  • From Linda Mortensen – Safe Harbor House: Please pray for five women in the last half of the Safe Harbor program – they need to finish strong! Please pray for brand new grants to replace a $25,000 annual grant that was lost. Please pray for wisdom for leaders as the organization grows and changes, and pray for the staff who work daily with traumatized women – these staff members need rest and care. And finally, please pray that more women will find Safe Harbor just the right fit for their healing and recovery journey and apply for the program.
  • From Tyler Worley – SCYM: Pray for three Camp Boost events coming up this summer – Clifton Avenue Church of God, High Street Nazarene, and Fellowship Spring Hill. Please pray that our summer intern, Kaylee, will have an amazing experience. Please pray that we will receive divine strategy and creativity to reach more kids with the gospel.
  • From Jeff Collins – Young Life: Pray that God moves in great ways in the hearts and minds of the 47 high school students who are going to Young LIfe camp on June 23-27. Pray that summer provides an opportunity for our leaders to build deeper relationships with kids. Pray that God raises up more leaders who want to come alongside high school students.
  • From Marcia Roth – Catholic Central: Pray that Catholic Central students and staff will remain in the Lord in times of transition. Pray for transitions in leadership at St. Teresa, St. Bernard, St. Raphael, and St. Joseph parishes – pray for wisdom, grace, and peace as Rev. John MacQuarrie transitions into leadership over all four of these parishes. Pray for any of our young people struggling with their identity and beliefs – for God to pursue them with unconditional, relentless love.
  • From Gail Welsh – Pregnancy Resource Clinic: Pray for future visioning for our direction of possible initiatives. Pray for the abortion-vulnerable women we see – for their brokenness and healing. Pray for strength for our staff and volunteers. Pray for just the right person to join our staff – we are hiring a new Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper!
  • From Jackie Mounts – HOPE: Pray for Jammin for Jesus Basketball Camp (June 1-4), specifically, for good weather, plenty of volunteers, just the right number of kids, and for the devotional time to kids coming to Jesus! Pray that we will finish the year strong at the Teen Center.