Ministry Partner Prayer Requests Jan. 2021

Jan 19, 2021 | Uncategorized

  • Pregnancy Resource Clinic – Gail Welsh is asking the body of Christ to pray for five new church partners to come alongside the PRC to help with discipleship! She would love to see churches raise up mentors to meet with clients for one-on-one discipleship.

  • H.O.P.E. – Jackie Mounts share that this ministry to teens needs both hats and gloves (kids and adult sizes). Also, please pray for the Job Skills Class as well as the Teen Center – they are both open even if schools only meet virtually. 

  • Urban Light Ministries and Interfaith Mobilization for the Homeless – Eli Williams is requesting prayer for the crisis among the unsheltered/homeless in our community. Human resources and volunteers are needed to address both the Street Outreach and Emergency Shelter components in the faith-based response. 

  • Young Life – Jeff Collins is asking us to pray for the teens in our community who are bored, isolated and suffering from increased mental health concerns during the pandemic.

  • Choosing Hope Adoptions – Angela Boblitt is asking for prayer during this “slower season” at Choosing Hope. Waiting families, who may also be suffering from the pain and discouragement of infertility, need prayer. The Choosing Hope staff is also deeply affected by the pain they see among their beloved clients and waiting families.

  • Safe Harbor – Linda Mortensen is asking for the faith community to pray for God to provide new staff members (night shift leaders and program phase coaches) at Safe Harbor, for grant funding/COVID relief and for the wisdom and discernment to handle difficult issues related to the residents and their healing journey.

  • Clark County Fuller Center for Housing (soon to be “Habitat for Humanity” again) – Kermit Rowe is requesting prayer for volunteers and programming related to COVID, for safety on job sites, and for the re-opening of the ReSTORE (they need wisdom regarding selecting a site and more!)

  • Catholic Central Service Ministry: Marcia Roth requested prayer for Catholic Central teachers, students and parents, “that we can navigate our in-person and virtual learning with patience and effectiveness.”  Winter Term of the Service Ministry was canceled this year, so please pray that God will guide us to creative, meaningful ways to help our student leaders continue to give, serve and grow this spring. Please pray for the Magnified Giving Youth Philanthropy program – “how can our teens learn about the most pressing needs in our community and generously support the ministries who are addressing those needs?” We also need prayer for the  Clark County Service Day Friday, April 30 (Rain date Friday, May 7). “How can our student leaders and participants make an impact this year?”  Please pray also for the Clark County Service Day leadership team in discerning how to plan for 2021.