Ministry Partner Prayer Requests April. 2021

Apr 28, 2021 | Pray, Uncategorized

  • From Jeff and Helen Collins – Young Life: Prayers for summer ministry with kids in Clark county – we have 45 kids going to YL camp June23-27! Please pray that lives would be changed! Pray for our summer all-area campaigners, that kids would grow in their walk with the Lord. Most of our leaders are Cedarville students, who head home May 1 – please pray that their summer is a season of refreshment and encouragement. And finally, pray that there would be meaningful summer opportunities to deepen relationships with kids.
  • From Linda Mortensen – Safe Harbor House: Please pray for just the right NEW staff members to reach out to us for an interview. We are seeking mature candidates to work entry-level night shifts and weekend shifts, as well as senior staff members who are ready to move into trauma-informed and faith-based coaching, shift leadership, etc.
  •  From Eli Williams – Urban Light Ministries: Pray for Urban Light’s succession/transition processes, that it will be God-led. We are searching for new leadership – the right person to lead TSC and Fatherhood forward. Also, we need help developing online and mobile ministry development. Also, please pray for our Father Fest and Juneteenth events coming up on June 19! 
  • From Kermit Rowe –  Family and Youth Initiatives: Please pray for Chuck Hull, his wife Linda and his family as he recovers from heart surgery and the physical and mental strains that come with it. He has been a very active volunteer for not just the Gathering of Miami Valley but in many other endeavors and is a former Landess Award honoree.
    Please pray for the continued smooth transition of our chapter into the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton chapter, and the increased mission work we should be able to do in the future here in Clark County.
    And this one is probably already been mentioned, but continued growth in partnerships between local Christian nonprofits, between churches and between non-profits and churches… and Nehemiah’s continued efforts to facilitate this.