From the Director 2018

Nov 8, 2018 | From the Director, Reflection

This has been a time of getting to know the Nehemiah staff and board members, learning about Springfield and Clark County, meeting its incredible residents, and beginning to partner with other Christian leaders. I remain excited to be serving as the Executive Director of The Nehemiah Foundation! This foundation has had such a big impact on Springfield over the past 25 years and I believe the best is yet to come! 

The past year and a half has been challenging for Nehemiah. We said goodbye to Shelley Lopez, our Executive Director from 2012-2017. With Shelley’s departure and my arrival, it provided the opportunity for reflection on the first 25 years of Nehemiah’s existence while focusing on building for the next quarter of a century. You can help make these new dreams become realities. Support the Nehemiah Foundation with your prayers and financial support. Step up and become a volunteer. Strengthen our ministries and join a Board of Directors. You can make a difference!

The Nehemiah Foundation continues to invest in Christian leaders and supports them through training, prayer, finances, and encouragement. In 2019 we will persist in rebuilding our footing – making sure our finances are in order, moving ahead with purpose and intentionality, and strengthening our systems so we can continue to be a blessing for years to come. While this Generosity Report will cover the financial picture of 2017, we plan to change the way we do Generosity Reports. We want to provide you with a picture of the previous year much sooner than October/November. Our aim is to produce another Generosity Report for 2018 in the first quarter of 2019 so the information therein will be more timely and relevant.

We want to thank those of you who support the work we do. Without you we wouldn’t exist, and the 30 faith-based organizations we partner with would not have the support and encouragement they deserve. God is at work in Springfield and Clark County and we see that through our ministry partners every month. However, there is still much work to be done in our city. Violence, drugs, sex trafficking, illiteracy, homelessness, food insecurity, and poverty runs rampant. There continues to be a great divide in our city between the haves and the have-nots and we want to find more ways to bring healing and hope to those who are hurting. We will continue to bring Jesus to the least, last, and lost in our community.

Our theme for this year was Together for Springfield and that’s what we must be. We must overlook our differences and come together to help those in need around us. Jesus explained in Matthew 25 that whatever we do for the least of these, we have done for Him. May we come together to serve the Lord with great energy and great compassion because together we can do what none of us can do alone.

Together for Springfield,

Casey Cockerham
Executive Director