Thank you – June 2021

Jun 30, 2021 | Uncategorized

Dear Faithful Nehemiah Champions:

I wanted to send you this June 2021 installment of thanksgiving – in the spirit of Philippians 1! Today, as I was thinking of you all, and thanking God FOR you all, the words from the Apostle Paul to the Philippian believers resonated deeply.

From Amy and Kelley, both of us servants of Jesus, the Anointed One. To all of his devoted followers throughout Clark County, including all of the pastors and all of the servant-leaders of the church and community-at-large.

May the blessings of divine grace and supernatural peace be upon you. May you be overwhelmed by the goodness of God, as our entire Nehemiah board and staff gives praise to God with great joy – we are so grateful for your partnership! Not only have many of you invested in this kingdom work for years, or even decades, but you have also encouraged us so very much over the past six months as we have fully launched into a brand new season!

We are praying with great faith for you, because we are fully convinced that the One who began a good and gracious work in you will faithfully continue that process – as we all mature and step even more into our assignment as image-bearers and kingdom-bringers. Together, we are feeling that great honor of partnership – as we pray, unify, equip, and mobilize until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It is no wonder that we can pray with such confidence, since your steadfast kingdom work has endured during even the most challenging seasons. We will continue to pray for your love to grow and increase beyond measure, bringing you into even more strategic wisdom. We are asking for your prayers as well, as we all seek community transformation and kingdom-advancing solutions to our most grievous issues and concerns.

Finally, we are praying that this wisdom and insight will culminate in the most excellent unity – as we lay down everything that seeks to divide us, everything that the enemy hopes will keep us offended and disabled. May we all be completely filled with the character of our Servant-Leader, Jesus, until we all overflow with great praise and glory to God!

With glistening hope,
Amy, Kelley, and the Nehemiah Board

P.S. We hope to see you at Veteran’s Park on July 18 @ 8:00 PM for When Springfield Sings: An Evening of Unity and Hope! We are praying for 3000 Christ-followers to come and release unity, power, and SOUND into our community!