Children’s Rescue Center

Jan 22, 2020 | Partner Stories, Reflection

The Children’s Rescue Center continues to impact students and families throughout our community by meeting their physical and spiritual needs. Check out how God used the organization to reach our community in 2019. 

  • CRC gave our original Ark building at 403 Selma Road to Dream City Ministries, who will be serving children and families in the Selma Road neighborhood. Dream City Ministries is now located at 705 Linden Avenue which is directly across the street from our current Ark building.
  • CRC gave H.O.P.E. Ministry two vacant lots located next to the Ark building so that they could build a new basketball court for their basketball camp as well as ongoing outreach services to the neighborhood.
  • CRC celebrated the “Fest of Tabernacles” (Leviticus 23) during the week of October 13th. During this week, the Ark Bible Club learned how God saved His people from the bondage of slavery in Egypt and kept them safe in the desert as they dwelled in Sukkas (tents) and taught them the law through Moses as they awaited the fullness of Grace from Jesus our Messiah.
  • Wittenberg students partnered with the Ark in various ways. Those traveling to Costa Rico for their second semester visited the Ark to prepare for their volunteer duties while out of the country. Additional Wittenberg students as started a Science Club at the Ark.
  • CRC is excited to see 2nd generation staff members serving the ministry. Jordan Rose, Sue Rose’s daughter is working for Parenting Network. Liz Kolessor’s daughter Becky is a regular
  • Daily Bread volunteer Mike organized the second year “Build a Bear” give away at Christmas. A total of 82 Build-a-Bears were given.
  • During the 4th quarter of 2019, CRC provided free meals on 75 different days.
  • During the 4th quarter of 2019, The Ark served 122 students and 777.5 volunteer hours were given to the Ark by our community members.
  • During the 4th quarter of 2019 the Daily Break Pantry served 3,809 individuals and 750 hours were given by community volunteers

Mission: To facilitate the love of Jesus to children and families in need in the inner city and beyond by providing services and activities to meet individual needs with a holistic comprehensive approach.

Children’s Rescue Center
Sue Rose | Ark Director
Liz Kolesser | Daily Bread Pantry Director