Working Together for His Kingdom

Working Together for His Kingdom

I don’t know about you, but for me as we approach the end of another year and enter the Advent season, my mind is always a bit overwhelmed. I have competing thoughts of celebrating this past year, anticipating the coming year, and a desire to slow down and focus on...


She is a teenager, with all the pressures and obstacles that come with that title in today’s world. She is also a mom, caring for the needs of a little one. She often finds herself without the support and resources needed in her role of mothering. She is isolated from...
A Season of Thankfulness

A Season of Thankfulness

Personally, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the Fall weather, I love football season and I love that Thanksgiving meal! But, I also love that Thanksgiving is a holiday that is, hopefully, not as self-centered as many of our other...
SCYM’s GirlPower Program

SCYM’s GirlPower Program

For most young people, middle school is an incredibly difficult time. Many students find themselves stuck in survival mode as their lives are flipped upside down. Everything is changing. Changing schools. Changing bodies. Changing faith. Changing friends. Changing...
Pastors Roundtable

Pastors Roundtable

In February of this year, we hosted a Pastors Roundtable event to discuss the needs of our community and how we might work together to find solutions. Following the event, a group of pastors continued to meet monthly to expand on the conversation. Through...