A Season of Thankfulness

Nov 10, 2019 | From the Director, Reflection

Personally, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the Fall weather, I love football season and I love that Thanksgiving meal! But, I also love that Thanksgiving is a holiday that is, hopefully, not as self-centered as many of our other celebrations. Thanksgiving is a time when we are encouraged to think about the things we are thankful for and to intentionally share that gratefulness with our loved ones.

Here, at The Nehemiah Foundation, we have a lot to be thankful for this season:

We are thankful for our Pastors and Churches! There are many amazing churches, both small and large, serving in Jesus’ name through our community. The leaders and individuals in these churches not only take care of one another, but they also take care of the needs in the neighborhoods and communities around them. These servant hearts and loving deeds are rarely measured or celebrated. However, if our churches ceased to exist, I believe our city would immediately feel the void. This Thanksgiving season we are thankful for each of our pastors, churches and community members who serve our community!

We are thankful for our Ministry Partners, whom I prefer to refer to as local missionaries – individuals that serve Greater Springfield in the name of Christ. Day-in and day-out these awesome individuals are leading faith-based nonprofit ministries and serving God as meet the wide variety of needs in our city. I hate to imagine what Springfield would be like without them. Thank you to our local missionaries who have accepted God’s call to be His hands and feet in Springfield!

We are also thankful for you! Each of you has supported Nehemiah, our ministries and these churches in some way over the past year. Because of your consistent prayers, faithful financial support, and ongoing encouragement, we can continue to serve alongside each other to bring God’s Kingdom to Springfield. It takes a village and when God’s children work together our world has the opportunity to see HIM!

Thank you for your service, your love, and your generosity as we partner together to bring glory to God in Greater Springfield!
