31-Day Prayer Calendar

May 21, 2021 | Pray, Uncategorized

Prayers to Begin

Day 1 We Praise you, Lord, for what you are doing on our community!
Day 2 We pray for a united church in Clark County
Day 3 We pray for NEW and strategic ministry ideas from heaven
Day 4 We pray for increased hope among the Body of Christ
Day 5 We pray for a revival of prayer and intercession in the church
Day 6 We pray for collaboration among church and civic leaders
Day 7 We pray for confident and anointed servant-leaders to arise

Prayers that Unify

Day 8 Lord, bring racial healing and reconciliation in the church
Day 9 Lord, bind us together with cords that cannot be broken
Day 10 Lord, confront our defensiveness and pride
Day 11 Lord, help us resolve conflict well
Day 12 Lord, help us have civil discourse over disputable matters
Day 13 Lord, help us collaborate with those who are different from us
Day 14 Lord, bring down the walls of hostility that divide us

Prayers that Equip

Day 15 Build us up, Lord, for the holy work of city transformation
Day 16 Thank you for increased wisdom to serve the vulnerable well
Day 17 Help us grow in excellence for high-impact harvests
Day 18 Father, breathe new life upon our spiritual gifts
Day 19 Equip your Saints, Lord, for the work of the ministry
Day 20 Equip us, Lord, to know and walk in your truth
Day 21 Cultivate intentional equipping relationships among us

Prayers that Mobilize

Day 22 Lord, move us toward sustainable and just solutions
Day 23 We ask for even more passion to serve fragile families
Day 24 We ask for mobilized churches to support our public schools
Day 25 May we respond to community crisis with love & wisdom
Day 26 We need biblical wisdom that leads to prevention initiatives
Day 27 May we proclaim freedom to the oppressed
Day 28 May we defend the cause of the poor and hurting
Day 29 May we engage in biblical justice that transcends politics
Day 30 May we find creative ways to release your kingdom every day
Day 31 May we find our niche for service and gain new stamina every day

Next Steps for Prayer

  • Be on the look-out for our new 24/7 Prayer Portal on our website
  • Contact Amy Willmann if you would like to join our “Living Stones” Prayer Team: [email protected]
  • Use this perpetual 31-Day Prayer Calendar every month!
  • Set up a time to pray on-site at our “City Prayer Window” in the Nehemiah Foundation office